Mushroom Soup

For the mushroom soup, chop the onion and fry with clarified butter until translucent. Roughly chop the mushrooms and add to the onions. Sauté until aromatic and pour soup over them. Add salt, pepper and the juniper and simmer for 15 minutes. Blend everything well with a hand blender. Add whipped cream and puree again … Read more

Booklets with Caramel Blueberries

For the Buchteln with caramel blueberries, first warm the milk in a saucepan to lukewarm and add the salt, sugar, vanilla sugar, cassis, grated lemon zest and butter. Mix the egg and egg yolk and add them as well. Now knead the milk mixture in a food processor with flour and dry yeast or fresh … Read more

Buckwheat Pizza

For the buckwheat pizza, first prepare the dough. To do this, mix all the ingredients and knead by hand or with a mixer until a uniform dough mass is formed. Place the bowl with the dough, covered with a cloth, in a warm water bath and let it stand until it has doubled in volume. … Read more

Poppy Noodles Viennese Style

Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes. Put on salted water, boil potatoes in it until soft, put them on a baking tray and let them steam out in the oven at 120 °C (approx. 15 minutes). Finely strain hot potatoes or press through a potato press and let cool. Mix well with the remaining ingredients … Read more

Sage Parmesan Sauce

For the sage-parmesan sauce, boil milk and soup together. Mix flour with parmesan and add. Bring to the boil again and season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in the chilled QimiQ. Just before serving, add the chopped sage to the sage-parmesan sauce.

Poppy Ice Cream with Rum

For the poppy seed ice cream, heat the milk until lukewarm. Beat the sugar and eggs with a mixer in a metal bowl until foamy. While stirring, add the milk, place the bowl in cold water and continue beating until the mixture has cooled. Stir in the poppy seeds, honey and a dash of rum. … Read more

Mushroom Breads

For the mushroom breads, first clean the chanterelles and porcini thoroughly and halve them if necessary. Briefly deep-fry them in oil in a deep pan so that they are crispy. Drain on some kitchen paper. Meanwhile, butter the bread slices. Wash and dry the lettuce leaves and spread them on the bread. Arrange the mushrooms … Read more

Lamb with Italian Vegetables

Pat the lamb dry. Wash thyme and rosemary and mix with the remaining ingredients for the marinade. Brush the lamb with it and marinate for about two hours. Halve and clean the bell bell pepper, wash with the zucchini and melanzani, peel the onion and cut everything into cubes. Peel and crush the garlic. Remove … Read more

Saltimbocca of Turkey with Sweet Potato Gröstl

Thinly pound turkey cutlets between plastic wrap, season with salt and pepper, and top each cutlet with country bacon slices and sage. Roll up cutlets and secure with a toothpick. Sear in a hot pan with olive oil for 2 minutes on each side. Then deglaze with red wine and pour in the chicken stock. … Read more

Spaghetti Doughnuts

For the spaghetti doughnuts, first knead all the ingredients for the dough. Form into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Line a baking tray with baking paper. After the chilling time, roll out the dough to about 3 mm thick. Cut into rectangles about 8 x 5 cm … Read more