Whole Grain Vanilla Crescent Cookies

Rating: 3.6146 / 5.00 (96 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


optional almonds:

For sprinkling:


Place all ingredients in a bowl or on a countertop and work by hand to form a shortbread dough. Chill dough briefly. Form into a roll and remove small pieces with a dough card, shape into croissants and place on prepared baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven at about 165 °C for 10 to 13 minutes until light on sight. While still warm, sprinkle with dusting vanilla sugar mixture.

Preparation Tip:

This dough is best processed shortly after preparation. It can also be rolled out and cut into any shape. If the dough is stored for a longer period of time, it will sag and will no longer be easy to shape (if necessary, mix in a yolk or egg white). The dough is also suitable as a base for slices. You can flavor it with cinnamon, cloves, gingerbread spice, ginger or other spices.

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