Veal Liver with Oriental Spices

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Cut mint leaves into very small pieces and mix with yogurt, lemon zest and 1 pinch of salt. Quarter red peppers, remove seeds, clean and roast under the broiler for about 8 minutes until dark. Briefly cover with damp kitchen roll, then skin. Cut peppers into coarse pieces and grind coarsely in a blitz chopper. Rinse chickpeas in a colander until cooled. Quarter pointed peppers lengthwise, clean and rinse. Peel and finely dice onions.

Sauté onion cubes in 2 tbsp. oil until hearty. Stir in cinnamon, cumin and cayenne pepper and saute lightly. Add chickpeas, bay leaf and 125 ml clear soup and cook uncovered at low temperature for about 15 minutes until viscous, season with salt.

Bring the remaining 200 ml of clear soup to the boil with 2 tbsp. olive oil, season with salt, mix in the couscous, sprinkle with raisins and leave to soak for 7-8 min. with the lid off.

In the meantime, lightly fry the green peppers in 2 tbsp olive oil on both sides for 2 min, season with salt and keep warm. Turn the liver in a little flour on the other side and roast in 4 tbsp hot olive oil over medium heat for about 2 min on each side.

5. fluff the couscous with a fork and mix with the almond flakes. Pile onto warmed plates and arrange with the roasted peppers. Add liver, bell pepper puree over form and drizzle with mint yogurt.

Tip: Stock up on a variety of high-quality spices.

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