Strawberry Gazpacho with Crostini

Rating: 3.8729 / 5.00 (118 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the strawberry gazpacho with crostini, peel the cucumber, shallot and celery. Wash and clean the tomatoes, basil, strawberries and bell bell pepper. Cut out the stalks from the tomatoes. Dice two tomatoes very finely for the crostini. Cut basil into fine strips.

Roughly dice the rest of the vegetables. Cut two slices of toast into strips about 2 cm wide and coarsely dice the remaining bread. Grind the red pepper coarsely.Puree the diced vegetables, strawberries, olive oil, vinegar, toast cubes and pepper very finely with a hand blender, season with salt, sugar and Tabasco, strain through a sieve and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.In the meantime, season Cremefine with salt and pepper, whisk with the sticks of a hand blender to a sturdy cream, fold in basil strips and refrigerate. Heat the vegetable cream in a pan, lightly press the garlic clove and add to the pan. Fry the toast strips in it until golden brown, remove and place on a paper towel. Then add the fine tomato cubes to the hot pan, season with salt, sugar and pepper, sauté for about 1 minute and arrange on the toast strips.Arrange the strawberry gazpacho in glasses, add 2 tablespoons of basil cream on top and place the crostini on the rims of the glasses and serve.

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