Semolina Flummery with Cherry Compote

Rating: 2.2857 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Semolina flummery:




1. Bring 200 ml milk with 30 g sugar, vanilla pulp and almond kernels to a boil. Mix in semolina and swell for 5 min at low temperature while stirring rather than making. Cool semolina only slightly, fold in egg yolks.

2. soak gelatine in cold water. Heat remaining milk, let gelatine drip in it, stir with semolina, put aside to cool for 15 minutes.

Whip egg whites with remaining sugar until stiff. Whip cream until stiff. Mix the semolina. Fold in the whipped cream first, then the snow, fill into 4 ramekins (120 ml each) and leave to cool for at least 4 hours.

Heat red wine and sugar. Scrape the pulp out of the vanilla pod. Add vanilla pulp and pod, cinnamon, juice of one lemon, clove and cherries in the wine for 5 min over medium heat.

Stir cornstarch with a little water, thicken compote slightly with it and cool.

Loosen the semolina at the edge of the ramekin with a kitchen knife. Dip the ramekins briefly in hot water. Turn Flammeris out onto plates and garnish with a small amount of almond kernels, compote, powdered sugar and mint. Serve the rest of the compote separately.

Our tip: Use sweet red wine for a sweet note and rather dry wine for flavorful, spicy dishes.

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