Salad Cake with Tuna and Tortilla

Rating: 3.6744 / 5.00 (43 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the salad:

For the dressing:

To decorate:


Wash the iceberg lettuce or head lettuce, separate about 6 leaves, pluck them round and drain thoroughly.

Cut the pepper, cucumber, tomatoes and red onions into fine strips.

Then turn out the tuna from the can and drain well.

Mix crème fraîche and whipped cream. Add salt and pepper and stir in a clove of pressed garlic. Then season the dressing with a pinch of nutmeg.

Now place a cake ring on a plate and starting with a tortilla patty, layer the salad cake as follows: Tomatoes, onion, bacon, tuna, dressing, tortilla, cheese, bell bell pepper, parsley, tortilla and avocado cream.

Between layers, keep chilling the pie in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

Roughly mash the avocado, optionally with some cashews and a squeeze of lemon juice, and spread on the tortilla patty.

Carefully remove the cake ring before decorating and finally decorate with lettuce leaves, cucumber slices, avocado cubes and a pinch of pepper, depending on your mood.

Preparation Tip:

Excellent also harmonizes a dressing of pumpkin seed oil, apple cider vinegar, mustard, garlic, salt, pepper and fresh herbs. With a little sour cream it gets a creamier consistency.

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