Sage Caramel Candy

Rating: 3.6364 / 5.00 (77 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the sage caramels, first wash the sage leaves and pat dry well. Cut the leaves into very fine strips. Melt one tablespoon of sugar in a saucepan. When the sugar is liquid, add the next tablespoon of sugar, and so on until all the sugar is melted.

Immediately add the butter, stir through until the whey from the butter has evaporated, then add the chopped sage leaves. Stir the caramel mixture through and pour it onto a baking paper.

The caramel mixture is now still hot. Put on two pairs of latex gloves and squeeze the baking paper so that the caramel is pressed from the side into the center until you have kneaded a malleable sugar ball. Now roll and pull the caramel into a finger-thick strand and cut it with scissors into 1.5 cm wide sage caramels.

Preparation Tip:

If the sugar strand has cooled too quickly and cannot be cut, you can also use a spatula to chop the strand into evenly sized sage caramels.

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