Quick Chocolate Chestnut Cake with Cointreau Cream

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)




If using cooked chestnuts, melt the sugar in a little water. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or possibly in the microwave.

Grind the cooked chestnuts and stir them with the sugar to a smooth puree.

Mix the chestnut puree with the softened butter and the chocolate until homogeneous.

Cover the bottom of a cake springform pan (18-20 cm ø) with a larger piece of cling film (the film should overhang) and add the ring. Pour the chestnut mixture into it and smooth it out.

Cover the surface with cling film as well and repeatedly press the mixture firmly and smooth it out. Set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

Remove the ring. Turn the cake out onto the palm of your hand with the clear film-covered surface, remove the bottom and the cling film from the underside, and turn the cake out onto a large plate. Peel the cling film off the top.

Cut the cake into 8 pieces with a kitchen knife. To do this, hold the kitchen knife in hot water and quickly wipe it off, cut with the hot water.

Beat the whipped cream, finally add the Cointreau and beat briefly. Fill the whipped cream into a piping bag with a large nozzle.

Arrange 1 piece of cake with a cream puff on each plate. Place a few orange zests on top of the whipped cream.

Tip: Do you prefer milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Depending on the, ver

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