Puff Pastry Sachets with Wine and Beer

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Puff pastry:


For coating:


A simple but delicious cake recipe:

Leek = Leek

Lay out the puff pastry slices one against the other to defrost. In the meantime, clean and rinse the leeks, cut the white and light green parts into thin rings. Drain and sauté in hot light butter or possibly butter for 5 minutes, stirring until soft, season with salt and season with pepper. Evaporate the liquid at high temperature. Set the leeks aside to cool.

Roast the cashews in a frying pan without fat until light brown, then chop coarsely. Coarsely grate the cheese. Chop dill. Mix egg yolks with crème fraîche. Mix all prepared ingredients with the leek.

Pile so much leek on the puff pastry that about 2/3 of the pastry is covered and a margin of about 1 cm remains. Cover with 1 puff pastry slice at a time. Press the edges well together. Press the puff pastry slices together on one narrow side behind the filling to form a sack shape.

Cut the remaining slices lengthwise into 4 strips each. Twist 2 strips at a time into a loose cord, wrap around the bag openings and cross the ends on the tops. Brush the sacks with egg yolk, place on a baking tray rinsed with cold water and bake on the middle rack at 200 degrees (fan oven: 175 degrees, gas: level 3) for approx. 20 minutes. Bring the puff pastry bags hot to the table.

When brushing with egg white, make sure that the egg does not touch the cut edges of the pieces.

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