Pike Dumplings in Riesling Sauce

Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 (20 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the Riesling sauce:


Remove the pike using a sharp fillet knife and either pound the removed fish fillets in a mortar or finely chop them in a food processor, which crushes the small bones.

Put the pike carcasses (bones, etc.) together with head and fins, root vegetables, bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns, white wine and salt in cold water, bring to the boil and simmer slowly for at least half an hour to make a powerful fish stock.

Prepare a light roux with butter and flour, pour on a little milk and then carefully mix with the fish mixture and egg whites, season with anchovy paste, salt and chervil and stir the mixture well until it becomes nice and creamy.

When it starts to thicken, slowly whisk in whipping cream. If it flakes, add another dash of fish stock.

Using two spoons dipped in water, prick small dumplings and let them steep in the strained, heated pike stock for five to six minutes.

For the Riesling sauce, boil down the strained fish stock with Riesling, whisk the cream and sour cream with the egg yolks and stir into the stock with a whisk, preferably away from the heat.

Heat again until just below boiling point and let it become creamy. (Caution: The sauce must not boil, otherwise it will curdle!) Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Place the pike gnocchi on a warmed plate, cover with the Riesling sauce, sprinkle with some finely chopped

Preparation Tip:

If you want to save yourself the tedious work of removing the pike, you can also prepare the fish gnocchi with removed fillets (e.g. from rainbow trout).

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