Marinated Artichoke Hearts

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (12 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Cut the stem end of the artichoke hearts into small pieces. Cut the artichoke hearts in half or possibly in quarters. Remove the “hay” and make the artichoke hearts in enough salted water with lemon slices for 15 to 25 min. They are cooked when the leaves can be easily plucked off.

Cut the leek lengthwise into quarters and steam in a little salted water with coriander and bay leaf for about two minutes until soft.

Mix oil, vinegar, capers with liquid, cucumber cubes and chopped parsley. Pour the marinade over the drained vegetables and let stand with the lid closed for at least three hours, turning the vegetables to the other side from time to time.

Keeps in the refrigerator in about four days.

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