Lasagna From the Crockpot

Rating: 2.8642 / 5.00 (81 Votes)

Total time: 15 min

Servings: 3.0 (servings)



For the lasagna, in a frying pan, sauté the onion with the crushed garlic. Add the minced meat and brown. Then add the spices and a pinch of sugar.

Deglaze with a little balsamic vinegar and lemon juice. Add the peeled tomatoes and roughly chop them, then the strained tomatoes (add some water if necessary).

Let it boil down a bit and then take it off the stove. Fold in the egg (be careful not to let it set). In the meantime, prepare the cheese cream.

Mix the cottage cheese with salt and pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Mix in half of the grated cheese, and 1 egg. Oil the bowl of the Crockpot a little.

Then start layering with a layer of meat sauce (about 1/3). Put a layer of lasagna on top (you have to break it and adapt it to the shape). Then half of the cheese cream. On top again a layer of meat, pasta and restl. cheese cream.

Finish with a layer of meat sauce. Put lid on and cook on Medium for 4-5 hrs (on Low for about 6-7 hrs). A good half hour before the end of cooking, spread the remaining grated cheese and mozzarella on top.

Preparation Tip:

This lasagna takes a little longer but it pays off. It tastes exceedingly delicious.

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