Iced Cucumber Soup with Walnuts and Mint

Rating: 3.6316 / 5.00 (19 Votes)

Total time: 5 min



Peel, halve, seed and chop the cucumbers. Blend finely with yogurt, garlic and a little juice of one lemon in a hand blender. Add whipped cream and mix with a little bit of iced water to a homogeneous soup. Season with salt, sugar and cayenne pepper. Leave to cool for at least 1 hour.

Dry roast the walnuts in a frying pan and add to the cold soup while still hot.

3. soup provided that necessary re-season, fill in two cups and sprinkle with the finely chopped mint leaves.

4. it goes well with a golden brown toasted wholemeal toast.

Preparation Tip:

The cucumber soup should be stirred well before serving again, because it usually settles a little bit.

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