Hare in Black Sauce

Rating: 3.5556 / 5.00 (36 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Divide the hare into forelegs, hind legs, belly flaps and back, salt, pepper and dust all parts lightly with flour. Fry the bacon rind in melted clarified butter. Fry onion and root vegetables in hot fat in a spacious and sealable casserole. Put in hare parts and brown on all sides. Deglaze with red wine, add spices and lemon zest, bring to a boil, reduce heat, put lid on and simmer on very low heat for about five quarters of an hour. Then lift the rabbit meat out of the casserole and keep warm. Strain the sauce and reduce over high heat to about two-thirds of the original amount. Reduce heat considerably. Stir in the hare blood mixed with vinegar just below boiling point and thicken the sauce with it. Cover hare parts with the finished sauce and serve with cranberries and napkin dumplings.

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