Egg Whites with Two Kinds of Sauces

Rating: 4.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)

Snow eggs:

Pomegranate papaya sauce:

Crème fraîche sauce:


Egg whites: make milk with sugar and the scraped vanilla pod for a quarter of an hour and set aside. Beat egg whites with sugar. Add vanilla pulp and continue beating until evenly distributed. Using a tablespoon, cut out dumplings from the stiff mixture and place in the hot milk. Place the saucepan repeatedly on the stove and gently roll until all the dumplings are in the milk. Remove from the kitchen stove, close and pull well until the quantity is firm, bring to the table preferably lukewarm.

Pomegranate-Papaya Sauce: finely dice dried papaya and simmer in wine, water and sugar. Add vanilla pulp and bubble repeatedly.

Mix maizena (cornstarch) in a little bit of water and use it to thicken the sauce a little bit. Cool and add the pomegranate seeds.

Krem Fraiche Sauce: Stir the ingredients until smooth.

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