Edible Curd Finger Noodles with Cabbage Speckles

Rating: 3.3333 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Finger noodles:

Variation spinach cheese:

Cabbage fritters:

To finish:


For the finger noodles, mix the potatoes with liquid brown butter, egg yolks and cottage cheese. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg (freshly grated). Add cornstarch and semolina and quickly knead everything together into a smooth dough.

With lightly floured hands, roll the dough into three cm wide and seven cm long finder noodles and press them slightly flat. Keep on a floured surface until ready to use.

For the cabbage fritters, clean the white cabbage, remove the stem and divide the cabbage into individual leaves. Wash and drain. Remove the stalks from the leaves, if necessary, and cut them into lozenges of two to three centimeters.

Cut the bacon into 1_cm wide pieces and fry lightly in a wide saucepan in the oil over medium heat. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and caramelize briefly.

Add white cabbage, extinguish with white wine, reduce to syrupy consistency and pour in clear soup. Stew the white cabbage at low temperature for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally, and season with salt, caraway and marjoram. If too much liquid evaporates, add a little more clear soup.

To finish, place the finger noodles in boiling water for a few minutes, drain and drain well. In a frying pan at low temperature, fry them in oil on both sides until they are golden brown and cooked. Finally, add butter, toss and season lightly with salt. Serve with the cabbage

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