Dobo Cake

Rating: 3.7739 / 5.00 (376 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour




For the Dobo cake, preheat the oven to 200°C top and bottom heat. Draw 8 circles of 24 cm Ø on baking paper. Whip eggs, granulated sugar, pinch of salt and vanilla pulp over a hot water bath until thick and fluffy. Remove bowl from water bath and beat until cold. Stir in flour and melted butter alternately. Using a palette, spread the batter about 5 mm thick on each of the 8 circular areas and bake in batches for 7-10 minutes until golden brown and cool.

For the buttercream, heat 2/3 of the milk. Mix remaining milk with granulated sugar, custard powder as well as egg yolks and slowly add to boiling milk. Let it bubble up a bit while stirring vigorously, then chill. Break chocolate and nougat into pieces and heat in a water bath. Melt coconut oil separately. Cream butter in a bowl. Add the melted coconut oil first, then alternately stir in the pudding and the lip-warm chocolate mixture by the tablespoonful.

Spread seven of the cooled cake layers with the cream and assemble. Place the eighth cake layer on an oiled marble slab or silicone baking mat. For the glaze, caramelize confectioners’ sugar with 3 tablespoons water over low heat until golden brown. Stir in butter and pour mixture onto prepared cake sheet.

Spread in a few strokes with an oiled palette, making sure the glaze does not run over the edge. Cut into 14 pieces with an oiled knife and let cool. The

Preparation Tip:

When caramelizing powdered sugar, always add water. The sugar then does not burn so quickly!

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