Carne Cruda – Italian Veal Tartare

Rating: 3.3333 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Rinse the chicory and basil leaves and then carefully rub them dry.

Using a sharp kitchen knife, cut the saddle of veal into narrow slices at the beginning, then into strips, then into fine cubes until you have a coarse mince.

Peel the garlic clove. Finely grate the lemon peel, then squeeze half a lemon. Finely grate 25 grams of Parmesan, then shave 25 grams of Parmesan.

Rub a baking bowl with the peeled clove of garlic and put the mince in the baking bowl form. Now season everything together with salt, a pinch of sugar, black olive oil, pepper, lemon zest and juice of one lemon and mix with the grated Parmesan.

Form small dumplings from the mince and place them on the chicory leaves. Garnish them with parmesan shavings and basil and bring to the table.

The meat should be top quality and always freshly prepared.

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