Buckwheat and Spinach Pancakes with Tomato and Basil Sauce

Rating: 3.8454 / 5.00 (207 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Pancake dough:




For the buckwheat and spinach pancakes, first prepare the pancake batter and fry the pancakes on both sides. Put them aside, one on top of the other. For the filling, blanch the spinach briefly in plenty of salted water, rinse with cold water and drain. Sauté the onion in melted butter, add the spinach, when hot add the feta cheese and season to taste. Fill pancakes with spinach, cut in half, place one against the other in a medium-high ovenproof dish, sprinkle with finely grated Parmesan and bake in the oven at 160°C for about 12 – 15 minutes. For the sauce, sauté shallots in butter, deglaze with white wine, add vegetable stock. Add salt, pepper, sugar, garlic and tomato pulp. Finally, thicken with cornflour and add the basil. Serve the sauce on plates, place the spinach pancakes on top and garnish with fresh basil leaves.

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