Puree on Mushroom Cream

For the mash on mushroom cream, first peel the potatoes, cut them into pieces and boil them in salted water until soft. Cut mushrooms into quarters, leek into rings, bacon into thin strips. Heat oil in a pan, fry mushrooms for about 10 minutes. In a second pan heat oil, fry bacon strips, add leek … Read more

Tuna Steak with Roasted Vegetables

Cut peppers in half, remove seeds and place under broiler with skin side up. As soon as the skin blisters, remove and cool under a wet kitchen towel, then remove the skin and cut into coarse large pieces. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and finish frying the slices of melanzana with a sprig … Read more

Spicy Almond Sauce – with Fish

Depending on your appetite, this sauce will also make enough for one and a half times the number of servings. Toast the almond kernels in a dry frying pan until fragrant, then whisk with the remaining ingredients (except the oil) in a food processor until smooth. Gradually add the oil until the sauce is creamy. … Read more

Advent Baked Apples

For the Advent roast apples, cut out the core from the apples. Place the fruits close together in a buttered baking dish. In a small saucepan, heat the butter so that it becomes liquid. Stir in the ground hazelnuts and sugar. Fill the apples with the sugar/nut mixture. Mix the Gewürztraminer with equal amounts of … Read more

Apple Fritters

For the apple fritters, mix flour, beer, water, egg yolks and salt until smooth. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold in. Then fold in the apple cubes. Cut out doughnuts with a spoon and fry in hot oil. Roll in cinnamon sugar while still hot.

Breakfast Muffins From the Hot Air Fryer

To make the hot air fryer breakfast muffins, first flatten the toast and cut as large a circle as possible from each slice. Cut down the middle. Fry the bacon. It shouldn’t get too crispy, though, so it can still be bent. Grease muffin tins (made of silicone for the Airfryer) and line each with … Read more

Salad with Lentil Sprouts

Brown lentils rinse, put in a germination container form and pour a little water two or three times a day. After three to four days, the lentils will germinate. If you do not want to prepare lentil germs the same way, you can buy them in natural food stores or health food stores. (100 g … Read more

Spinach Dumplings with Gorgonzola Stuffing

For the spinach dumplings with gorgonzola filling, form small balls from the gorgonzola and freeze them. Sauté the onion in the melted butter and immediately heat the milk in it. Clean the spinach and put it in a pan with a little butter. Squeeze and chop. Pour the warm milk over the bread cubes and … Read more

Kale Classic

Heat the lard and add the frozen kale. Chop a thick stalk of leek and the onions and add them. Season with pepper and mustard. Cook in the oven at 200 °C on a low flame. Add the sausages and the mead or boiled sausages, put the bones on top and simmer for half an … Read more