Lovage Pesto (Magica Pesto)

For the lovage pesto, wash the lovage leaves and parsley well and spin dry. Blend all the ingredients in a blender until you get a creamy consistency. Season to taste with salt and pepper. The lovage pesto will keep for a month if stored in a jar in a cool place.

Pork Cheek on Lentil Salad

Cut the pork rind and fat from the meat into small pieces. Cut the meat into 4 pieces. Fry in lard. Chop onions and garlic. Add half to the meat. Add spices. Add 1/2 liter of clear soup, cook for 45 minutes. Rinse lentils, cook in rest of clear soup for 30 min. Fry the … Read more

Baking Dough – Basic Recipe

For the batter, mix the ingredients in the same way as for the pancakes to make a smooth batter. Turn in this dough pieces or slices of cooked vegetables, let them turn golden brown in boiling fat and put them into a sieve to drain. For example, slices of celery, salsify, cauliflower, asparagus trimmings, tomatoes. … Read more

Nut Chocolate Chip Cake

For the nut chocolate chip cake, first prepare the oil mixture for the basic dough. Before adding the flour, first stir the hazelnuts and then the chocolate into the batter. Then, as described. Pour into a greased and floured loaf pan and bake at 175° for about 45 minutes. After cooling, sprinkle the nut-chocolate chip … Read more

Spring “Homemade Curry” with Codfish

For the spring “Homemade Curry” with cod, prepare the curry powder. Crush all ingredients well in a mortar. Sauté briefly in a saucepan without oil to release the essential oils from the spices. Peel the carrots and the shallots and cut them into small cubes, strips or pieces. Quarter the radishes, cut the rhubarb and … Read more

Braised Venison Leg in Root Sauce

Remove the bone from the leg of venison, season with salt, pepper, put the thyme branch in the place of the bone, sprinkle chopped juniper berries over the meat, fry the whole thing in a saucepan in hot oil all around, remove the meat, add the chopped root vegetables to the cooking pot and roast … Read more

Braised Rabbit on Chard

Rinse all the vegetables, clean and cut into rough cubes, halve the dried plums. Sauté the vegetables briefly in a little olive oil, season with salt, pepper, extinguish with white wine, add all the spices and the plums, let everything boil once. Put the rabbit parts in a sufficiently large bowl and fill it up … Read more

Hungarian Goulash Soup

Fry the onions in a small amount of fat until golden brown, add the previously washed and diced meat and sprinkle with salt and paprika. After careful stewing, add water and simmer until the meat is soft enough. Then add the diced potatoes, add a little water and cook everything together. Before the meat is … Read more

Stuffed Young Pork Loin Roast

It is best to have the young pork loin professionally prepared for stuffing at the butcher’s and have the rind lightly scored at the same time. Cut the bread into cubes and mix with salt, nutmeg, chopped parsley, eggs and sour cream to make a dry dumpling mixture. Fill the pocket of the prepared young … Read more

Vegetable Cocotte with Hollandaise Sauce

Rinse and clean vegetables. Cut cauliflower and broccoli into roses, carrots and kohlrabi into narrow sticks, sugar snap peas into lozenges. Blanch vegetables separately in salted water briefly and rinse in iced water. Coat an ovenproof dish with olive oil, pour in drained vegetables and season with salt, pepper, a hint of nutmeg and sugar … Read more