Quick Chocolate Chestnut Cake with Cointreau Cream

If using cooked chestnuts, melt the sugar in a little water. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or possibly in the microwave. Grind the cooked chestnuts and stir them with the sugar to a smooth puree. Mix the chestnut puree with the softened butter and the chocolate until homogeneous. Cover the bottom of a … Read more

Chi Chi

For the cocktail Chi Chi, shake all ingredients except the grenadine well with ice in a shaker. Strain the drink through a bar strainer into a glass filled with a few ice cubes. Then slowly pour the grenadine over the Chi Chi.

Apple Cider Vinegar Against Heartburn

Our tip: Immediate help with heartburn can already be a glass of non-carbonated temperate water. In any case, you should sit or walk upright and lie down on a high bed. This makes it more difficult for the gastric juice to rise to the top. How to take it: Chronic heartburn can be treated with … Read more

Turkey Ragout

Cut bacon into cubes and fry together with onions until translucent. Cut turkey breast into strips, add to onion-bacon mixture, dust with flour and roast until brown. Add tomato paste and deglaze with red wine. Add beef broth and simmer covered for about 20 minutes. Heat butter and fry mushrooms and peppers. Add to the … Read more

Lattice Cake with Powidl

A cake recipe for all foodies: For the powidl, bring the cloves, crumbled cinnamon stick and fruit tea to a boil in a quarter of a liter of water and steep for 15 minutes on the off plate. Now strain. Leave the plums to soak in the tea for 3 hours and then drain them … Read more

Melted Tomatoes

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! Sauté peeled tomatoes cut into wedges with diced garlic cloves in olive oil for 5 min. Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Chop basil and sprinkle on top. Info: Goes well with tagliatelle or gnocchi. Here you have to calculate only 110 calories or possibly 460 joules per … Read more

Burgenland Whipped Cream Gugelhupf

Whip the cream until stiff. Beat eggs, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar until foamy. Sift flour with baking powder and stir into the yolk mixture. Then stir in the whipped cream. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Mix cocoa powder and hazelnut liqueur or rum and stir into one part of the mixture. Grease and crumble … Read more

Steamed Rice with Flaked Almonds

For the rice with flaked almonds, melt margarine in a saucepan. Wash rice and brown in butter, add water and bring to a boil. Season with soup seasoning, cover and steam for about 20 minutes. When the rice is ready, melt the margarine in a pan, roast the almond flakes in it until golden brown … Read more

Coulant De Chocolate

For Coulant de chocolate, melt the cooking chocolate with the butter in a water bath. Beat the eggs with the sugar until foamy. Slowly add the liquid chocolate and mix well. Mix in the flour. Grease the muffin tins and dust with cocoa powder. Fill 3/4 full with the mixture and leave in the freezer … Read more