Turkey Skewer with Vegetables

For the turkey skewer with vegetables, season the turkey breast cubes with turkey seasoning salt. Divide carrots in half and cut each half into 4 sticks. Divide the broccoli into florets and cut the kohlrabi slices in half. Cook the vegetables in salted water until al dente. Cut the pancetta slices into large pieces. Skewer … Read more

Chestnut Mousse

Stir the uncooled QimiQ until smooth and mix with melted chocolate.Add the fine crystal sugar and chestnut rice, mix well.Finally, fold in the whipped cream.Leave to set in the refrigerator.To serve, cut out dumplings with a spoon and decorate.

Chokeberry Apple Jam

For the chokeberry-apple jam, bring the chokeberries, the peeled, cored and chopped apples, juice of the lemon, citric acid, jelling sugar, sugar and water to the boil in a saucepan. Simmer for approx. 30 min. Blend the mixture briefly with a hand blender and fill into jam jars while still hot. The recipe makes one … Read more

Children Carnival Breads

For the children’s carnival breads, spread the breads with the curd spread, fold the extra sausage into thirds and place 1 slice on each of the breads. Cut small pieces from the loin as eyebrows and tongue and place on top. Make eyes and mouth with the parsley leaves, bell pepper pieces and cucumber pieces. … Read more

Spelt Bread

Roast sunflower seeds in a dry frying pan on medium gas flame until golden brown. Mix flour, sugar and yeast. Mix the curd with 500 ml lukewarm water, add to the flour and stir with a mixer. Knead in spelt meal, 100 g roasted sunflower seeds and salt. Cover the dough and let it rise … Read more


Chop the head of pork lengthwise by the butcher. Rub both halves with coriander, crushed pepper, garlic, salt and half of the bay leaves and pimento seeds. bay leaves and pimento seeds and cure for about 1 day. Wash the head well Wash the head well and soak it for 1 hour to remove excess … Read more

Souls – Eagle Mill

Put the flour in a large enough bowl, make an indentation in the middle and prepare a dampfl from the yeast and a little bit of lukewarm water (about 50 ml), let it rise for about 1 hour in a warm place. Later add the salt and the water and knead everything together heartily to … Read more

Dobo Cake

For the Dobo cake, preheat the oven to 200°C top and bottom heat. Draw 8 circles of 24 cm Ø on baking paper. Whip eggs, granulated sugar, pinch of salt and vanilla pulp over a hot water bath until thick and fluffy. Remove bowl from water bath and beat until cold. Stir in flour and … Read more