Apple Pie with Sponge

Beat the butter and sugar until fluffy, then add the eggs one at a time and stir in the sifted flour, baking powder and milk. It should be a slightly firm dough without lumps. For the topping, peel and core the apples and cut them into rough pieces. Mix with sugar, cinnamon, raisins and rum … Read more

Boiled Veal Shoulder with Bread Horseradish

If available, scald veal bones briefly and add to cold water with veal cuttings. Add root vegetables, spices and a little salt and let simmer for 45 minutes. Skim off fat and foam repeatedly. Then put in the meat and simmer just below boiling point for about 2 1/2-3 hours until soft. In between, repeatedly … Read more

Sorrel Soup with Herb Bread

A bean recipe for every taste: Rinse sorrel, pluck stems and coarsely chop leaves. Melt half the butter in a saucepan, add finely chopped shallots and sauté until translucent. Pour in the sorrel, sauté briefly and add vegetable soup. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper. Then simmer for 10 minutes. Stir the … Read more

Cabbage Rolls with Bacon Wrap

Clean the cabbage, rinse. Discard the stalk. Cook (blanch) cabbage in boiling hot salted water for 2-3 minutes, remove and peel off outer leaves. Repeat process until 16 leaves are removed. Cut thick leaf veins evenly. Place 2 leaves on top of each other, overlapping. Soak bread rolls in cold water. Remove peel from onion, … Read more

Cheese Salad on Apple Rings

Preparation (about 35 min): Clean apples, core, cut into narrow slices and place on flat, large plate all around, drizzle with juice of one lemon. Rinse frisée lettuce well, drain, place in center of plate. Fry cheese cubes in hot olive oil all around, add halved chestnuts, add plucked thyme and chili rolls, season with … Read more

Spicy Zucchini Noodles

For the spicy zucchini noodles, cook the farfalle in plenty of boiling salted water until al dente. Dice the zucchini and chop the shallots. Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the zucchini and shallots in it. Chop the chili pepper and add to the zucchini. Squeeze in the garlic, season with salt, … Read more

Fruit Balls

Chop the dried bananas, apricots and plums very finely. Chop the nuts finely as well. Knead all ingredients well and leave to stand in the refrigerator for one hour. Form the mixture into a roll on a work surface sprinkled with powdered sugar, cut off nut-sized pieces and form into balls. Roll balls in granulated … Read more

Indian Lentil Stew

Chop onions and garlic, add chili and curry powder, yogurt and sour cream, whisk everything together to a sauce. Marinate the diced meat in it for 2 hours. Rinse the lentils, let them boil briefly and then strain them again. Stew meat in hot butter at low heat for a quarter of an hour. Add … Read more

Egg Sauce

For the egg sauce, dice eggs and pickles as small as possible. Mix with mayonnaise. Season with salt and white pepper. Refine with dill.