Chocolate Souffle

For the chocolate souffle, bring THEA, vanilla sugar and sugar to a boil, stir in flour, stir well until the mixture separates from the pot. Pour in milk, stir quickly until smooth, transfer to a bowl and stir in chocolate. Allow to cool slightly. Stir in yolks. Beat egg whites with sugar until creamy and … Read more

Sour Cherry Parfait with Honey

Mix half of the cherries with juice and honey, blend finely with a hand blender, then add the remaining cherries. Line a loaf pan (1 liter capacity) with a cut open freezer bag. Cover the bottom with half of the cookies. Whip the cream until stiff and set aside to cool. Whip the egg yolks … Read more

Indian Egg Salad

Peel the eggs and first cut them into slices (egg slicer), then into strips. Peel and core apples, cut into tender strips together with the pickles and potatoes. Make a marinade of sour cream, curry powder, mayonnaise, juice of one lemon, Worcester sauce and salt and mix with strips of potatoes, pickles and apples. At … Read more

Egg Snow Eggs on Strawberry Coulis

A simple but delicious cake recipe: Remove the tough strings from the rhubarb, cut the stalks into pieces. Cover and cook at low temperature until just tender, adding a little water if Cut the strawberries into small pieces and crush them with the powdered sugar. Pass through a sieve and fold in the rhubarb … Read more

Aspic of Asparagus with Salmon

Blanch the asparagus, finely dice the vegetables and make a clear soup with the asparagus and the peel. Cover the casserole dish first with cling film, then with salmon slices, strain 800 ml of the vegetable stock through a sieve, add the vegetable cubes, the previously soaked gelatine leaves and season to taste with wine, … Read more

Leek Pan – Separation Diet

Cut fillet into strips. “Stir tbsp. oil with sherry and spices. Soak the meat in it. Clean and rinse the vegetables. Cut the leek into rings and the bell pepper into cubes. Drain the meat (reserving the marinade) and fry briefly in the remaining hot oil. Add vegetables and marinade and cook for 2.3 minutes … Read more

Cake Pops

For the cake pops, crumble the cake scraps (any dry cake, bundt cake, sand cake, chocolate cake, etc. will do) or cookies. Knead with softened butter, powdered sugar and half of the curd. Then add as much curd in small amounts until you get a nice malleable mass. Form balls from the mass and chill. … Read more

Minced Meat Quiche

Soak the mushrooms. Pepper, salt, flour, egg yolks, butter, kitchen herbs and water (1) knead into a dough and refrigerate. Mix minced meat with one third of the water, eggs, breadcrumbs (2), finely chopped onion, spices and herbs, form walnut-sized balls. Cut the bacon into strips and fry in butter, then remove. Steam the mushrooms … Read more

Leg of Rabbit in Red Wine Sauce

A delicious recipe with red wine! 1. rabbit legs season with salt and season with pepper. Turn in flour to the other side, pat down. Heat oil in a roasting pan, sear legs for 4-5 minutes on each side. Remove legs and sauté greens in drippings. Deglaze with red wine and stock. Add bay leaves, … Read more

Coconut Vanilla Macaroon

A great cake recipe for any occasion: Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Gradually stir in sugar and vanilla. Fold the coconut mixture into the egg whites until just combined. Spread two baking sheets with parchment paper and spread the baking wafers evenly on them. Using two coffee spoons, place mounds on the wafers … Read more