Steinbeisser on Porcini Mushrooms

Have fun preparing this mushroom dish! Score the stonecrop fillets into lozenges on the skin side. Season with salt and pepper. Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Sear the fillets on both sides at high temperature so that they get color and continue cooking for 3 to 4 min. in the stove at 200 … Read more

Baden Potato Soup According to msG

In a saucepan, sauté onion in oil. Add leek, carrots and celery, fry briefly. Add pressed potatoes. Fill up with wine, clear soup and whipped cream. Simmer gently for 5 minutes. Add diced potatoes. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Lastly, add selchkaree (or Schaefele) to the soup. Garnish with parsley.

Sage Gnocchi

Prepare the gnocchi dough as described in the basic recipe, shape into gnocchi and let them steep in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Remove, drain, arrange on preheated plates and sprinkle with black pepper. In the meantime, melt the butter in a pan, put in the sage leaves and heat briefly. Sprinkle the gnocchi with … Read more

Potato Dumplings

For the potato dumplings it is best to use Agria or other floury potatoes. Boil the potatoes in salted water until soft, peel them and press them with a potato press while they are still relatively hot. Add a little flour, salt and stir lightly, add flour again and knead. Form dumplings and simmer in … Read more

Wine Meringue Pie

For two sponge meringue bases, beat the butter (or light butter) with the sugar, vanilla sugar and egg yolks until creamy. Fold in the flour mixed with baking powder and spread the batter evenly on the greased bases of two springform pans (28 cm ø). For the meringue, start by whipping the egg whites until … Read more

Indian Melanzani Tomato Stew

For the melanzani-tomato stew, cut the onion into fine rings, dice the melanzani. Halve the tomatoes, chop the ginger. Heat oil in a saucepan and fry onion and ginger until hot. Add the melanzani and tomatoes and sauté briefly. Simmer gently on low heat for about 10 minutes. Season with chili and salt, chop cilantro … Read more

Currant Sundae

Rinse currants, drain in a sieve. With a fork, remove the berries from the panicles. Put them in a large enough bowl, add sugar, pour raspberry brandy over them. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Whip the cream in a saucepan until stiff. Fill into a piping bag. Also place in the … Read more

Vegetable Stew

Heat oil, chop onions and peppers and quickly fry until golden, dice zucchini and melanzani and fry until translucent, chop tomatoes, stir in tomato paste and beer, add a little vinegar, sugar, bay leaves and garlic and a little water. Cover everything and cook until tender, finally season with salt and pepper.

Tomato Frittata with Herbs

For the tomato frittata, halve the cocktail tomatoes, chop the garlic and sauté both in the olive oil until the tomatoes have collapsed. Add the Italian herbs and fry briefly. Lightly beat the eggs and pour over the tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Once the frittata is lightly browned … Read more

Apricot Spot From Yeast Dough

An apricot stain for those with a sweet tooth: Mix dry yeast, flour, sugar, grated lemon skin, vanilla sugar and 1 pinch of salt. Heat skim milk. Add warm butter and skim milk as well as yolk and egg and knead together until a smooth dough is formed (e.g. using a food processor with dough … Read more