Sage Bites

For the sage bites, whisk the eggs with salt and pepper, halve the anchovy fillets. Pull the sage leaves through the egg mixture. Now place a piece of anchovy fillet between each two leaves and fix with a toothpick. Fry briefly in hot oil. Lift out, drain on paper towels and serve quickly.

Sweet Pasta Casserole

For the sweet pasta casserole, boil the pasta in plenty of sugared water until soft, drain and rinse with cold water. Finely chop the apricots, plums and white chocolate. Grind the brioche in a food processor to fine crumbs and mix with the remaining ingredients. Fold in the pasta and pour into a buttered, ovenproof … Read more

Potato Pancakes From Baking Tray

For potato pancakes from the baking sheet peel and rinse potatoes. Peel onions. Grate both finely. Mix with eggs, flour and 3/4 of the ham cubes to a dough. Season with pepper and salt. Spread the mixture evenly on an oiled baking tray (approx. 35 x 40 cm). Bake in a preheated oven (electric oven: … Read more

Gratinated Tomatoes

For baked tomatoes, cut the top off the tomatoes, hollow them out, add salt and pepper. Mix Gorgonzola with starch flour, yolks and garlic. Beat egg whites to snow and fold in, fill tomatoes with cheese mixture, place in ovenproof dish, put lid on tomatoes and bake in oven at 220 degrees for 15 minutes. … Read more


Pat the cutlets, salt, pepper and flour one side. Heat the oil in a pan, put the cutlets with the floured side first and sear well. Then remove from the pan and keep warm. Finely chop the onion, cut the bacon into fine strips and fry both together in the frying residue. Meanwhile, slice the … Read more

Egg Gnocchi

For the egg dumplings, mix flour, milk, 1 egg, the melted butter and salt to a dough. Prick dumplings with a small spoon, put them into boiling salted water and let them steep for 10 minutes. Then strain and briefly rinse with water. Heat the tbsp. butter in a frying pan, add the gnocchi and … Read more

Blackberry Tart

Prepare the short pastry for the blackberry tart: Press a well in the center of the flour and add the egg, vanilla sugar, as well as the powdered sugar and salt. Knead the cold butter on the table until smooth and add it as well. Now work everything into a dough as quickly as possible. … Read more

Stuffed Goose with Red Cabbage –

Preparation chew: Cut the cabbage into quarters, remove the stalk and slice into strips as narrow as possible, preferably with a slicer or slicing machine. The finer the cabbage is cut, the shorter the cooking time, which is about 30 minutes. Remove the peel from the shallots, cut them into small pieces and fry them … Read more

Indonesian Noodle Pan

A great pasta dish for any occasion: Make the noodles in a large saucepan according to directions and quench with cold water. Put the oil in a wok (or frying pan) form, add the spices and onion and cook at a high temperature for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the mushrooms, tofu and celery and … Read more

Loin Roast with Leaf Spinach in Puff Pastry Coating

For the roast pork lung with spinach leaves wrapped in puff pastry, defrost the spinach leaves and squeeze them well. Rinse the pork lung roast, pat dry and trim if necessary. Lay the slices of pancetta side by side, slightly overlapping to form a full surface, with alternating slices of pancetta protruding from the top … Read more