Bohemian Dumplings

In a cup, stir together 100 ml lukewarm milk, sugar and crumbled yeast until smooth. Pour flour into a large bowl, press a bulge into it and pour the mixture into it. Cover with a kitchen towel and let the dampfl go until it foams considerably. Then add remaining lukewarm milk, egg yolks at room … Read more

Mixed Salad

Wash the different lettuces, drain them very well and roughly chop them. Mix vinegar, oil and wild herb oil with 2 tablespoons lukewarm water, salt, pepper and 1 pinch of sugar. Mix the lettuce with the salad dressing immediately before serving and distribute evenly in small bowls. Serve the mixed salad as a side dish.

Flash Menu Italy, Tuna Pizza with Arugula

1. preheat the oven to 250 °C. Place the pizza dough with the parchment paper on a baking tray. 2. Clean the spring onions, rinse and cut into fine rings. Clean the arugula and basil, rinse and shake well dry. Pluck each of the leaves from the stems. Spread arugula and basil evenly on pizza … Read more

Potato Salad

First, boil or steam the potatoes in their skins in salted water (do not let them become too soft!). While still warm, remove the skin and cut into 2-4 mm thick slices. Chop onions finely, chop chives finely. Pour onions and hot soup over potatoes and let stand at least 10 minutes. Stir pepper, herb … Read more

Grape Cake

For the grape cake, beat butter, egg yolks and sugar with a mixer until creamy. Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks and fold them loosely into the batter. Now add the flour. Grease a cake springform pan (28 cm diameter), sprinkle with breadcrumbs, pour in the batter and smooth it down. Sprinkle chopped hazelnuts … Read more

Ham and Cabbage Fritters

For the ham and cabbage fritters, fry the onion and bacon in a little oil. Add cooked ham cut into strips. Fry the chopped early cabbage, season and finally mix in the cooked meatballs. Sprinkle the ham and cabbage fritters with chives and serve.

Rhubarb Marzipan Strudel

For the rhubarb-marzipan strudel, wash and peel the rhubarb, cut into 1 cm pieces, place in a bowl with the granulated sugar and cornflour and mix well with a spoon. Thoroughly knead the marzipan paste with the powdered sugar and roll out on a silicone base or on baking paper to a size of 35 … Read more

Paprika Chicken, Stewed in Its Own Juice

Heat a frying pan with a tight-fitting lid and a thick bottom. Quarter the chicken – or divide it into pieces so that it fits well into the pan – and skin it as you like. Fry lightly on all sides without fat at low temperature. Add the diced peppers (**), onion and garlic and … Read more

Chicken Chilindron Style

cut. Cut the Serrano ham into small strips. Cut the peppers in half, remove the stems and seeds, rinse and cut into strips. Set these ingredients aside. Remove the peel from the onion and garlic and dice finely. Rinse the parsley and chop the leaves. Skin the tomatoes, remove the stalks, seeds and juice and … Read more

Knitting Needle Cake

For the knitting needle cake, first preheat the oven to 160 °C hot air. Line the bottom of a springform pan (diameter 28 cm) with baking paper and grease the edges. Mix the ingredients for the batter. Pour the batter into the pan and bake at for about 45 minutes. Remove the finished base from … Read more