Chicken in Paprika Top Sauce

For the chicken in paprika top sauce, wash the chicken fillets, pat dry and cut into fine strips. Heat the oil in a deep pan and sauté the chicken strips in it. Wash the peppers, remove the stalk and seeds and cut them into fine strips as well. Add the bell pepper strips to the … Read more

Cream Apples

Cut apples in half diagonally, cut out core so that there are no holes at the bottom. Place apple halves in a gratin dish with the cut side facing up and sprinkle with 2 tbsp. sugar. Pour crème fraîche into the core opening, some of it must flow into the mold. place in the preheated … Read more

Brussels Sprouts

Remove the roses from the water, drain well and ‘fry’ the butter and breadcrumbs in a frying pan (melt the butter, add the breadcrumbs and brown until the mixture starts to bubble or foam slightly, in any case it no longer clumps). add the roses, making sure that they are all in contact with the … Read more

Nice Salad

A bean recipe for every taste: Make the bean pods in salted water, quench and cool. Cut the peppers into rings or strips. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut them into wedges. Remove the peel from the cooked potatoes and cut them into slices. Marinate tomatoes, beans, peppers and potatoes with French dressing. … Read more

Potato Noodles

For the potato noodles, peel the freshly cooked potatoes as hot as possible and press them through a potato ricer. Prepare with the remaining ingredients on a pasta board to a dough, from which you roll about 10 cm long, finger-thick noodles. Just before serving, fry in hot butter fat for 6 to 8 minutes … Read more

Pheasant in Cream Sauce

For the pheasant in cream sauce, salt, pepper and wrap the pheasant in bacon. Then let it roast in the tube covered with butter and the remaining ingredients and pour red wine. After about 1 hour, pass the juice through a sieve and thicken with a little flour and cream. Pour the cream sauce over … Read more

Cream of Zucchini Soup

For the cream of zucchini soup, cut the onion and garlic into small pieces. Peel the zucchini and potatoes and cut them into small pieces as well. Melt a large stick of butter in a large saucepan and add the onion and garlic. After the onion and garlic have been sautéed for about a minute, … Read more

Cabbage Rolls Vegetarian

For the vegetarian cabbage rolls, blanch the cabbage leaves in salted water for about 1 minute, rinse in cold water and drain.Boil the potatoes, peel and press through a potato ricer.Finely chop the onion, chop the mushrooms. Fry onion in olive oil until light brown, add mushrooms and fry. Onion. Mix the mushrooms, parsley, walnuts … Read more